Changing Module Properties

You can change the default behaviour of Protobuild within your module by modifying the Build\Module.xml file. This file contains a number of settings which control Protobuild’s default behaviour, and what operations are permitted. These settings do not change how projects are generated.

An example of the MonoGame module configuration is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ModuleInfo xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <ModuleAssemblies />

The following module properties are available:


This can be either “Resync” (default), “Generate” or “Sync”. This changes the mode that Protobuild runs in when it is executed with no arguments.


When Windows is the current executing platform, and no arguments have been given on the command line, then Protobuild will generate for all of the specified platforms (synchronising with the Windows projects).


When Mac OS is the current executing platform, and no arguments have been given on the command line, then Protobuild will generate for all of the specified platforms (synchronising with the Mac OS projects).


When Linux is the current executing platform, and no arguments have been given on the command line, then Protobuild will generate for all of the specified platforms (synchronising with the Linux projects).


A comma-seperated list of supported platform names. If this is not specified, then users can generate for any platform they want (any input string). Known platforms are checked for casing and normalized as appropriate.

If this is specified, then the user will only be able to supply platform names in this list (case insensitive). The specified platforms are checked on input for casing and normalized as appropriate (so specifying “Windows,Linux” in this list will cause an input of “linux” or “LiNuX” to be normalized to “Linux”).


Defines the default startup project for the solution. For example, if you have a project in your module called “ConsoleA”, and you want it to be the default for people opening your solution for the first type, specify <DefaultStartupProject>ConsoleA</DefaultStartupProject> in Module.xml.


If this option is “True”, then Protobuild will automatically generate a repositories.config file based on the packages.config files in the repository.

If you have this option enabled, you should exclude repositories.config from source control.


If this option is “True”, Protobuild will never synchronise C# projects back to the project definition files. There is almost never any reason to enable this functionality, other than for stylistic reasons.